Saman Nizar: Mahkamah tetapkan Isnin untuk sebutan
KUALA LUMPUR 18 Feb. — Mahkamah Tinggi hari ini menetapkan Isnin ini bagi sebutan untuk mempertimbangkan tiga isu yang dibangkitkan pada hari pertama prosiding undang-undang yang difailkan oleh Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, yang mencabar pelantikan Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir sebagai Menteri Besar Perak.
Tiga isu itu ialah sama ada Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof patut menarik diri daripada mendengar saman itu, mengenai sama ada kes itu patut dirujuk ke Mahkamah Persekutuan untuk penentuan daripada segi persoalan undang-undang dan mengenai kedudukan Penasihat Undang-undang Negeri Perak Datuk Ahmad Kamal Md Shahid untuk mewakili Dr Zambry dalam saman itu.
Mohamad Ariff menetapkan tarikh itu selepas Peguam Kanan Persekutuan See Mee Chun memaklumkan mahkamah yang beliau perlu mendapatkan arahan mengenai pendirian Pejabat Peguam Negara mengenai tiga isu itu.
Kes itu ditetapkan untuk sebutan hari ini selepas Mohammad Nizar memfailkan saman itu Jumaat lepas.
Hadir di mahkamah ialah Mohammad Nizar, yang diwakili oleh sepasukan lapan peguam yang diketuai Sulaiman Abdullah. Dr Zambry diwakili oleh Ahmad Kamal manakala See mewakili Pejabat Peguam Negara dan Datuk Mohd Hafarizam Harun adalah peguam pemerhati bagi Umno.
Mohammad Nizar memohon semakan kehakiman untuk mengisytiharkan beliau sebagai Menteri Besar yang sah dan bagi injunksi untuk menghalang Dr Zambry atau ejennya daripada menjalankan tugas dan fungsi sebagai Menteri Besar. — Bernama
Juga ada disebut dalam komen blog AnotherBrick ( klik sini ) yang dipetik dari sini ( klik ) :
KUALA LUMPUR: In an unexpected twist High Court Judicial Commissioner Mohamad Arif Md Yusof offered to recuse himself from hearing the lawsuit filed by former Perak mentri besar Datuk Seri Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin against his successor Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir. The suit was filed after the Pakatan Rakyat government lost the state to Barisan Nasional with the resignation of three assemblymen from their parties, and the defection of a fourth. Nizar wants the court, by way of judicial review, to declare him the legitimate mentri besar and for an injunction to stop Dr Zambry or his agents from carrying out the duties and functions of the mentri besar. At the onset of the proceedings Wednesday, Mohamad Arif said he has been a legal advisor and counsel for PAS on a number of election petition cases. Nizar is a member of PAS, which together with PKR and DAP, makes up the Pakatan alliance. “I have also been involved in PAS legal matters from time to time, and have advised PKR on legal issues,” Mohamad Arif said. “I have also acted for Barisan in an election petition in Sarawak,” he added. “I tend to think that to preserve justice and the integrity of the institution, perhaps I should recuse myself from hearing this matter,” he said. He set Feb 23 for counsel from both sides to brief him on whether they had any objection to him hearing the matter, as well as on two other issues: First, whether the matter should be referred to the Federal Court over the question of law for determination and finality, over intepretation of Article 16(6) of the Perak Constitution. Second, on the standing of Perak’s state legal advisor Datuk Ahmad Kamal Md Shahid acting as counsel for the respondent since Dr Zambry is being sued in his personal capacity. The five-page suit, filed last Friday, also asks for “punitive, aggravated and exemplary” damages to be awarded to Nizar. Earlier, Mohamad Arif said that he allowed for the matter to be called in the open court because 14 lawyers turned up for the case and that he wanted all to know his position. Besides, he said, the parties may want to refer the matter to the Federal Court over question of law on the interpretation of Article 16(6) of the Perak Constitution for finality. (Article 16 (6) states that if the Mentri Besar ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the Legislative Assembly, then unless at his request His Royal Highness dissolve the legislative assembly he shall tender the resignation of executive council). On hearing this, Perak Legal Advisor Datuk Ahmad Kamal Md Shahid, who appeared for Zambry, said he had received instructions to apply for his recusal from hearing the case. However, lead counsel Sulaiman Abdullah, who represented Nizar with seven lawyers, argued that the JC was capable of hearing the case without any danger of bias. Among others, he said, the JC could recuse himself if he had a personal relationship with any of the parties, or applied for land in Perak through them and had briefed the two on the legal steps before they held Mentri Besar post. “You have appeared for PKR, PAS for the election petition and for Barisan in Sarawak, it is in your capacity as an advocate and soliticor. That is your area of practice and you have no choice not to accept it,” he said. The JC then said that he was no longer involved in any political party and that he was more concerned about the public perception. Sulaiman then argued that it was the judge’s inherent function to educate and inform on the law and public issues. In submitting his points further, Sulaiman said the judge would be failing in carrying out his judicial duty and interest of justice if he was considering the “wrong perception of public”. At the outset, Sulaiman objected to Ahmad Kamal representing the respondent saying that it was a conflict of interest. Ahmad Kamal said he had a right to represent the respondent and that the application by the counsel was premature. He said he had yet to receive an affidavit to support of the application. He also applied to the JC to transfer the case back to Ipoh High Court. “It is because both parties are staying in Ipoh and involved in the state government of Perak and the people of Perak. Therefore, the proper forum is to be tried at Ipoh High Court,” he said. Sulaiman argued that Ahmad Kamal should also be disqualified from appearing for Zambry because of “all party sentiments”. “It should be (tried) in neutral territory and in specialised court,” he said. The case is filed at High Court (Appellate and Special Powers division). Sulaiman said there was no question of witnesses involved in the case and that all would be in the form of affidavits as it was a pure question of law to be decided. SFC See Mee Chun, who appeared for Attorney-General Chambers, said she had to seek instructions over the matter. Justice Mohamad Ariff asked the parties to file proper applications and set Monday for mention over the issues of the recusal, referring the matter to apex court and the acting of the Perak Legal Advisor as counsel for the respondent since Zambry was being sued in his personal capacityNizar vs Zambry: Judge offers to recuse himself (Updated)
Alhamdulillah usaha kita mungkin telah didengari oleh semua dan semoga ia akan berjaya untuk menghalang Hakim tersebut yang terang terangan pernah menjadi calon PAS dari terus terlibat dalam kes yang ditunggu penuh minat oleh penderhaka Raja dan dinantikan juga oleh pembela Raja Raja Melayu kita....
Walaupun nampaknya peguam sebelah sana Sulaiman Abdullah beria ia mendesak Hakim 'PAS' tersebut terus mendengar kes berkenaan...
Salam perjuangan...
Kita harap kebenaran akan terbongkar encik.
BalasPadamLatarbelakang seseorang Hakim tidak boleh menjanjikan dia akan menyebelahi parti yang pernah dianggotainya dulu. Ingat lagi kes liwat Anwar Ibrahim pada 1999 dahulu? Siapa Hakimnya? Mula-mula Paul Augustine, kemudian Arifin Jaka.
BalasPadamSiapa Arifin Jaka? Arifin Jaka pernah menjadi calon PAS dalam pilihanraya sebelumnya.
Bila Arifin Jaka dipilih sebagai Hakim, penyokong reformasi berkata, habislah Anwar kali ini. Ini kerana Arifin Jaka yang pernah jadi calon PAS dalam pilihanraya sebelum itu pasti akan membuktikan sesuatu bagi membuktikan pemilihannya sebagai hakim oleh Kerajaan tidak silap. Andaian penyokong reformasi ialah Arifin yang terhutang budi kpd Kerajaan BN kerana mengangkatnya sebagai Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi tanpa mengira latar belakangnya sebagai bekas calon PAS pasti akan melakukan sesuatu yang sangat kejam kepada Anwar bagi membuktikan dia setia kepada Kerajaan BN.
Dan apa yg ditakuti penyokong reformasi ketika itu memang benar, Arifin Jaka yang pernah menjadi calon PAS itu menghukum penjara Anwar selama 9 tahun dengan setiap kes dihukum secara berasingan, sesuatu yang dikatakan sebagai sangat luar biasa, kerana lazimnya hukuman bagi setiap kes dijalankan serentak.
Dan kini sejarah berulang lagi, seorang hakim yang pernah menjadi calon PAS telah dipilih untuk mengadili kes saman Menteri Besar Perak. Bagi penyokong PR, mereka seolah-olah melihat seorang lagi Arifin Jaka telah muncul di Mahkamah Tinggi. Seperti Hakim Arifin Jaka yg pernah menjadi calon PAS, Hakim Mohamad Arif juga dikatakan akan cuba membuktikan sesuatu kepada kerajaan. Oleh itu ramai yang menjangka keputusannya kelak, seperti Arifin Jaka dulu, tidak akan menyebelahi Nizar.
Ye ke ? tak payahlah diteruskan JC tu jadi hakim kes Nizar.
BalasPadamKan ramai lagi JC yang hebat hebat di Malaysia ni..
kita juga tak akan biarkan keberangkalian ni berterusan.
alasan biasa la tu, standard pemnbangkang dah, bila tak menyebelahi dia memang la salah orang tersebut.. kalau menyebelahi dia memang macam-macam alasan yang beri, bogel pun boleh, derhaka pun boleh, ternak babi pun boleh..semuanya HALAL...
BalasPadamYa encik, kena berjuang habis-habisan.