Saya terkejut. Kerana dimaklumkan begitu. Anda ?
Menurut sms yang diterima, adalah dikatakan parti ini ditubuhkan bagi mengumpul saki-baki komunis dan yang simpati dengannya.
Ia juga akan menyusup masuk dalam Barisan Nasional sebagai komponen demi memastikan dasar komunis akan mudah diserap dalam pentadbiran jika dilantik sebagai anggota kabinet nanti.
Pendedahan ini sangat merisaukan saya dan justeru itu saya berhasrat melalui tulisan ini agar siasatan dapat dibuat untuk mengenal pasti siapakah di belakang 'PCM' ini.
Kebangkitan komunis moden sudah berlaku dengan mereka sudah pun berjaya memainkan perang saraf dalam internet dengan melaungkan konsep KESAMARATAAN..
Lihat petikan dari laman ini
saya tahu anda pasti terkejut kerana konsep kesamarataan ini ada dalam perjuangan pembangkang sekarang ini.
mereka mahu menafikan konsep KEADILAN di mana diletakkan sesuatu pada tempatnya. Atau kita kata dengan lain perkataan, diberi mengikut kadar peratusan penduduknya ( jika dinilai mengikut peratusan penduduk Malaysia )
lain perkataan lagi jika Melayu 66 peratus, Cina 25 peratus dan India 7 peratus maka Melayu akan memperolehi RM 66 Cina RM25 dan India RM7 ( jika dikira dengan nilai RM100 )
ia contoh mudah bagi konsep yang diperjuangkan Barisan Nasional sekarang ini namun mereka dari Pakatan Rosak mahukan konsep RM100 dibahagi tiga dengan Melayu mendapat RM33 Cina RM33 dan India RM33.
Adakah ia adil ?
Nehi babujiiiiiii......
Maka sebab itulah kita wajar menolak atau menentang Pakatan Rosak ini kerana mereka tidak berlandaskan konsep keadilan bahkan perosak keadilan sejagat yang diperjuang oleh semua agama dan fahaman di dunia ini.
Ayuh mari kita benamkan fahaman mereka jauh-jauh ke dasar perut bumi dibakar oleh api agar rakyat tidak akan terpedaya dan tertipu dengan kata-kata manis dan lembut mereka yang dihiasi dengan penampilan yang menarik dilihat tetapi penuh dengan tipu daya dan helah.
Malaysiakini melaporkan di sini tentang PCM di atas..
Juga di sini ada berita mereka di siasat kerana isu video kuil hindu baru-baru ini.
Fikirkan dan sebarkan.
salam p5,
BalasPadamsangat setuju dengan anda!
konsep satu malaysia najib bakal mengundang seribu satu masalah juga nanti kerana yang 66=25=7=100=1....percayalah!!!
Salam Sang Tawal !!
BalasPadamlama saudara tidak bertandang ke sini..
Saya rasa tidak akan jadi begitu kerana 1Malaysia tidak bercanggah dengan Perlembagaan secara tersurat atau tersirat.
Itu jaminan Dato Seri Najib....
kepada Anon = thank u coz bagi 'fuck' kat saya.
Biasa jenis suka tulis 'fuck' ni jenis keturunan pun 'fuck' juga.
lain perkataan, orang baik akan tulis benda yang baik juga.
Although I am English educated, I still understand some Bahasa Malaysia. In your blog post, I assume that the term 'KEADILAN' here refers more to equality. If you are using this example:
BalasPadam"mereka mahu menafikan konsep KEADILAN di mana diletakkan sesuatu pada tempatnya. Atau kita kata dengan lain perkataan, diberi mengikut kadar peratusan penduduknya ( jika dinilai mengikut peratusan penduduk Malaysia )
lain perkataan lagi jika Melayu 66 peratus, Cina 25 peratus dan India 7 peratus maka Melayu akan memperolehi RM 66 Cina RM25 dan India RM7 ( jika dikira dengan nilai RM100 )
ia contoh mudah bagi konsep yang diperjuangkan Barisan Nasional sekarang ini namun mereka dari Pakatan Rosak mahukan konsep RM100 dibahagi tiga dengan Melayu mendapat RM33 Cina RM33 dan India RM33."
Then, I would like to draw your attention to the government scholarships for Malaysian students to study both locally and aboard in university level. If you had noticed, there is a quota system in the scholarship distribution to the applicants, i.e. based on the race of the applicants. My nephew applied for the JPA scholarship. He exceeded the requirements for the scholarship both in terms of academic and co-curriculum achievements.
Indeed he was called for the JPA interview. According to him, there were 5 applicants being interviewed during his batch, among which 4 were Chinese and there remaining one was a Bumiputera. As he was from a private school, he had no problems answering the questions asked by the three interviewees. The Bumiputera applicant, however, had many difficulties answering it.
As there results of the JPA interview were published over the JPA website 2 months later, my nephew was shock and surprised that he did not get the scholarship. Instead, that Bumiputera applicant got it. Not only did that Bumiputera applicant had difficulty in answering the questions, he did not even fulfill the minimum requirement for the scholarship, i.e. A2 in Bahasa Malaysia (he got B4).
My nephew was not the only victim of this quota and unfair system. It turns out that the other 3 Chinese applicant with him that time also did not get the scholarship. According to my contacts studying in overseas universities, most of the JPA scholarship holders (as well as MARA scholarship holders) ended up touring Europe. Their results are down the drain, literally speaking. Most broke the contract with the government (i.e. after finish studying, they did not come back to work for the government). Even if they did come back, they would not know anything they have studied aboard. Some even contracted HIV/AIDS while studying aboard. Sadly, most of the scholarships are given to Bumiputeras based on the so-called quota system. This has really tarnished the image of Malaysian students under government scholarships studying aboard. In the local scene, things are more or less the same.
Now, I am throwing the question back to you. Is this fair? Is this what BN is fighting for? Giving scholarships to unqualified Bumiputera applicants even though there are qualified non-Bumiputera applicants?
David Leong
Mr Leong, I hope you won't make generalization from whatever you have heard. Please look from a broader picture.
BalasPadamFor your information, among my coursemates, most of them particularly from Chinese ethnicity intentionally refused to apply for JPA scholarship and preferred PTPTN or self-sponsored. The government never denied them the opportunity. In fact, for those in the Medical faculty where I belong to, they will almost 100% guaranteed to receive the scholarship if they apply for it. It's just that they are reluctant to be bound with 10-year contract in the government service.
For the oversea students, there are many (not to say most) of them who performed well and returned home being the pride of the family. A friend of mine who returned to Malaysia recently (currently pursuing his PhD in Australia) once told me, most of the ones that caused trouble are those who are self sponsored and come from the rich families. But I'm not implying that all JPA scholarship holders are innocent and perfect. Please don't get me wrong.
I am not backing the government blindly. Just because we disagree in many things with the government of the day, it doesn't mean that whatever they did is wrong and they have hidden agenda against certain race. On the other hand, I do pity those who are capable but being denied of the scholarship that they deserved. Of course the government is not perfect, so it is our responsibility to work for change and betterment of our society. I may not be able to contribute much, but at least I have tried my best and will continue doing so.