1. TO ALL Bloggers/FB/Twitter/Portal/etc. Please mention about this. We must keep alive the issues of :
A- Hudud,
B- Murtad,
C- Sexsuality Merdeka and
D- Reduction of Civil Servant.
All these are headaches for the enemy, Pakatan Rakyat.
2. Anwar Ibrahim, is trying hard to overcome the components of Pakatan Rakyat from making Stupid Mistakes within Pakatan Rakyat.
3. We must not let these issues go away. We shud keep finding new ways raising these in Twitter, FB, and blogs.
4. Bravo so far. Keep it up. We are doing ok even if we started late.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Insya Allah, akan Teman arahkan kesemua skuad kuda trojan dan skuad berani mati hamba untuk bertindak sepertimana arahan.