In 1999, Malaysia received technical assistance, social sector and education loans from the World Bank. In fact, Malaysia has received similar loans from the WB since the 1970s when the WB started to offer high value loans to developing countries.
Tun M never said Malaysia did not receive WB loans. In fact, we have also received loans and grants from the IMF. This has been going on for decades.
What Tun M refused to accept however was the financial crisis rescue package that both the WB and the IMF offered as the conditions that came with the package would have led to 'bloodshed on the streets'.
DSAI however was a big supporter of the IMF and WB and had tried to convince Tun M to take these loans.
Tun M never took the financial rescue package. He never wrote letters to WB asking for assistance. Challenge DSAI to produce the letter. As a consultant to WB, DSAI surely can get the letter.
Jangan marah sebab standard otak pembangkang yang memang bahalol. Kota memang mendapatkan pinjaman World Bank; ADB dan IMF. Pinjaman diberikan bertujuan untuk pembangunan projek umum.
BalasPadamJadi Tun Mahathir memang bercakap benar bahawa beliau tidak pernah meminta pinjaman IMF Atau World Bank bertujuan mengatasi kegawatan ekonomi 1997.
Anwar memang cukup licik berpusing lidah. MahaPembohong. Pada tahun 1995-96 semasa MahaPembohong menjadi Menteri Kewangan telah berlaku pengstrukturan semula industri insuran di mana komisen agen insuran telah dikurangkan. Dengan janji pengurangan komisen itu Akan memanfaatkan pemilik polisi insuran di mana tarif /premium insuran dAn pulangan kepada pemegang polisi lebih tinggi. Memang molek.
TETAPI 3 bulan selepas itu kadar tarik/premium insuran telah dinaikkan lebih kurang 4%. sebab itu apa saja yang keluar dari mulut MahaPembohong takkan saya percaya hingga mati.
Pergi Mampuslah Kau Anwar
pembohongan anwar taktik alihkan perhatian rakyat.
BalasPadamserang Tun Mahathir taktik berkesan untuk alih mata minda rakyat.