
30 Ogos 2012

Article: Samsung Galaxy Camera, The Best Android Camera Yet?

So first came Polaroid, then Nikon and now as expect­ed Sam­sung. I think Sam­sung should have been the first one out of the gate to lead the pack because I'm not sure the first cam­eras are going in the right direc­tion. Sam­sung with the Galaxy Cam­era is real­ly focussing on the Android fea­tures of the cam­era because this is what Sam­sung does best over the pre­vi­ous announcements. 

Sam­sung's Galaxy Cam­era fea­tures the lat­est ver­sion of Android 4.1 which com­pared to Nikon's choice to use 2.3 offers all of the lat­est fea­tures to ensure that your apps will run as they should.


Apps, apps and apps this ladies and gen­tle­men like it or not is the portable cam­era future. This is how these lit­tle cam­eras are choos­ing to stay alive. I still cant wait to have my hands on any of them to see in a real life sit­u­a­tion if I choose my Android pow­ered cam­era or even the newly announced Sony NEX-5R over my iPhone to cap­ture those mem­o­ries.

The Sam­sung Galaxy Cam­era will fea­ture a Back­side Illu­mi­nat­ed 16.3mp sen­sor which is capa­ble of a 3200 ISO sen­si­tiv­i­ty. The lens on this lit­tle guy offers opti­cal sta­bi­liza­tion and a range of (35mm equiv­a­lent) 23mm-481mm. This 20x opti­cal zoom is quite impres­sive com­pared to some­thing such as my phone even with all of the lit­tle extra lens­es I own with it. Full HD capa­bil­i­ty is sup­port­ed as expect­ed and does 1080P at 30fps but also has a slow motion stan­dard def­i­n­i­tion trick at 120fps.

On the back of the cam­era is a STUN­NING 4.8″ HD dis­play which takes up the entire back of the phone, for those of you who want phys­i­cal cam­era but­tons this prob­a­bly isn't the cam­era for you. It isn't for you because the cam­era fea­tures a zoom rock­er, shut­ter, power and flash pop up but­ton, these are all of the phys­i­cal con­trols on this cam­era. Sleek and mod­ern yes but usable with gloves in the snow? Maybe not so much.

Speak­ing of the phys­i­cal design of the cam­era it also offers GPS, Wifi and the abil­i­ty to take a sim. The sim is for the extra 3G or 4G capa­bil­i­ty if you choose to use it. The other phys­i­cal fea­tures which is a let down is that it doesn't sup­port SD cards… It only sup­ports micro SD,micro SDHC and micro SDXC.


It doesn't appear to have the abil­i­ty to make calls but it does seem to do every­thing else right. Of course we would like to see a larg­er sen­sor but with time this will come and become stan­dard across mul­ti­ple lines.

There is no price yet announced for the cam­era or an exact launch date.


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