
30 Oktober 2012


1/8/12 - KUALA LUMPUR – Transaksi jual beli dan pelaburan emas Syarikat Genneva Malaysia Sdn Bhd didapati tidak mematuhi sepenuhnya peraturan hukum syarak dan undang-undang negara. Ini disahkan oleh Pengerusi Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Malaysia, Prof Emeritus Tan Sri Abdul Shukor Husin dalam satu kenyataan dikeluarkan di sini. 

Beliau berkata, muzakarah tiga hari majlis itu bermula Rabu lepas meneliti  laporan dan hasil siasatan Bank Negara Malaysia terhadap operasi jual beli dan pelaburan emas syarikat itu.

(Gambar kanan : Pelancaran Syariah Genneva yang melanggar etika Islam)

Katanya, operasi syarikat tersebut didapati tidak mematuhi sepenuhnya Parameter Pelaburan Emas seperti diperakukan oleh Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa. Majlis Kebangsaan bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Malaysia kali ke 96 yang diadakan pada 13 hingga 15 Jun lepas.

Kenyataan itu menasihatkan umat Islam tidak melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti atau transaksi jual beli dan pelaburan emas oleh mana-mana pihak, sama ada syarikat di dalam negara atau luar negara yang bertentangan dengan prinsip jual beli emas seperti yang digariskan oleh syarak dan undang-undang negara.

Abdul Shukor berkata, transaksi jual beli mestilah memenuhi semua rukun jual beli yang digariskan hukum syarak, dan sesuatu transaksi dikira tidak sah sekiranya tidak memenuhi salah satu rukun jual beli. Beliau berkata transaksi juga hendaklah bebas daripada unsur-unsur riba, perjudian, gharar yang berlebihan dan kezaliman. – Bernama


Tarikh : 11 Julai 2012

Letter from Bank Negara

We note that you have raised issues with regard to the gold investment of Genneva Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Genneva). We would like to inform you that buying and selling gold or silver is not under the purview of Bank Negara Malaysia (the Bank), thus the Bank does not issue any license to any company who wish to conduct such activities.

However, if the gold/silver trading - investment scheme clearly offers investment opportunity by collecting deposits from the public and investors are promised investment returns/profits within a certain period of time, whereby the original investment will be refunded or in other words if a company appeared to be involving in illegal deposit taking by using gold/silver to camouflage its activities, it maybe contravene section 25(1) Banking And Financial Institutions Act 1989 (BAFIA).

We have investigated numerous instances involving companies having illegal deposit-taking and trading in gold as their underlying products that might contravene Section 25(1), BAFIA such as Genneva Sdn Bhd, Bestino Group Berhad, Gold Label Sdn Bhd.

For your information, we also monitor these activities very closely and we will not hesitate to conduct investigations should a company appears to be involved in illegal deposit-taking using gold to camouflage its activities.  

With regard to the statement made by Genneva: 

"The company has fulfilled all requirements and has been given approval by Central Bank as Scheduled Institution under Section 21(1) of the Banking and Financial Institution Act 1989. We are also a company being classified under First Schedule of Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 as a "Reporting Institution".

For your information, a scheduled institution has to notify the Bank for its operation under Section 21(1) BAFIA. However, we do not regulate its activities. In this instance, Genneva has submitted its application for change of name as previous notification was made under the name of other company which was acquired by Genneva. The activities described in the application are to conduct the leasing and factoring businesses. Genneva does not require the Bank's approval to conduct the gold bar trading as gold trading is not under the Bank's purview as mentioned above. 

Thus, again we would like to take the opportunity to inform members of public that gold trading is not under Bank Negara Malaysia's jurisdiction. Members of public are to be reminded to be more cautious and scrutinize the risk associated with the gold investment before joining any investment scheme which promise higher returns in short-term period.

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