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10 November 2012

Hanging out with Malaysians online | Blog 1MALAYSIA @NajibRazak

A month has passed since we held the #TanyaNajib: Budget 2013 on Google Hangout. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in it. It was a constructive session made possible by the contribution of fellow Malaysians seeking to understand and give feedback on next year's budget plans. After delivering the Budget 2013 announcement and reading endless analyst reports, it was wonderful to be able to get a fresh perspective directly from the people.

I found taking questions from people on Google Hangout and other social media a truly refreshing and innovative experience. They say leaders are meant to lead, but I also believe that leaders have a duty to follow and adapt to current trends. In a country with the sixth highest Twitter usage in the world and more than sixty per cent of households connected with broadband, I am pleased to say that the rakyat has set the bar very high.

During the session I received many interesting questions, many of which directly affect Malaysia's youth such as the book voucher for Form Six and university students and PTPTN loans. I was pleased to see how these initiatives would affect individuals in real and tangible ways. ­

I have always believed in embracing new media as a means to bring the Government closer to the people, and I continue to encourage key members of my government to do the same. The rise of social media brings with it many advantages, allowing me to interact with and engage the people of Malaysia at the click of a button. I'll keep looking out for new ways to do this so please continue connecting with me through Facebook, Twitter and Google+. I am looking forward to hearing from all of you!

For additional insight on the Google Hangout session, one of the participants I had the pleasure of chatting with haswritten an article here. And if you missed the session, you can catch up with it on my YouTube channel.

Sent from my iPad

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