
18 Disember 2012

Surat Bukti Majlis Peguam Larang Pemerhati Kiraan Undi Oleh JEBAT MUST DIE

baca tulisan Jebat di sini 

yang paling menarik ialah kata Peguam Mohd Khairul Azam (penulis surat di atas) yang turut bertanding pemilihan yang lepas  :

“Saya adalah calon pemilihan Bar Council. Saya telah menulis surat bertanya kepada BC, “bolehkah saya memantau proses kiraan undi nanti?”. Tau apa jawapan Bar Council???? “…due to logistical and security concerns, the counting process is not open to observers”….. Dan pada masa yang sama, Presiden Malaysian Bar menyokong BERSIH menuntut ketelusan SPR dalam PRU????”

1 ulasan:

  1. this bar council since ambiga and now under the idiot & super stupid chin wee has lost its glowing days and independent. The bar council is being used by DAP & PKR for their selfish politics interest. When the bar council denying independent observers to view or sight the ballot computation which is in contradict with its own principle, it appears the leaders in bar councils are not better than monkeys and clowns. Perhaps from today oneards to call this chin wee a new name ie the white chin 'monkey' wee


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