Rokok John dan Luffman Diseludup Melalui Singapura!

Umum mengetahui bahawa di Indonesia, pemulung atau pengutip sampah, turut mengutip puntung-puntung rokok untuk dikitar semula. Apakah rokok-rokok murah ini adalah hasil dari rokok-rokok kitar semula?
Terbaru, akhbar The Star mendedahkan dua jenama rokok seludup tersebut Luffman dan John yang dikilangkan di Batam, Indonesia masuk ke Malaysia melalui Singapura! Negara yang harga sebungkus rokoknya sekitar RM20!
Thursday June 21, 2012Batam-produced fags imported and sold below minimum price
BATAM (Indonesia): A factory at the Citra Buana Industrial Park here is manufacturing thousands of illicit cigarettes daily for sale in Malaysia.
Starprobe has found that the cigarettes using the Malaysian brand John are brought in via Singapore and sold well below the mandated minimum price of RM7, which explains their popularity.
The factory displays no signboard, only the lot number, unlike two nearby cigarette factories, which produce Luffman and Rock brands mainly for the local market.
An official from the factory producing Luffman cigarettes said the company had also taken orders from Malaysia although its main concentration is the Indonesian market, where its packets of 20 are sold for the equivalent of between RM2 and RM5.
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