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04 April 2013

Blog 1Malaysia : Yesterday Was A Special Day For Me - @NajibRazak

Yesterday was a special day for me, and not just because it marked the start of our general election. It was exactly four years ago when I took my oath of office at Istana Negara, putting me at the head of a nation which was steadily growing in size and economy.

 Since then, I have set into motion many initiatives aimed at creating a freer and more prosperous nation. I am proud of how much has been achieved. Five key areas stand out and I have written more about each one on my website .

 Firstly, let me talk about 1Malaysia. At the core of our transformation was my belief in the importance of national unity irrespective of race or religious belief. I firmly believe that nobody should be left behind as we move ahead to developed nation status. It was from this belief that 1Malaysia was born, together with various initiatives  that benefit the rakyat till this day. From housing and healthcare to food and education, you can find many 1Malaysia themed programmes that provide affordable and quality services for all Malaysians.

Secondly, economic progress. When I assumed office, the global economy was in a very bad way. To shield Malaysia from the storm, we had to take bold and decisive measures to buttress our economy. The Economic Transformation Programme has delivered real results in this regard, and while many countries remain mired in debt and low growth, Malaysia has raced ahead. Last year, for instance, our economy grew at an average rate of 5.6%, bringing new jobs and prosperity to the rakyat.

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