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24 Mei 2012

Invitation To #BeeAntBlues @HariBelia2012

Hebahan segera!

Everyone is invited to @BeeAntBlues Port (located near to Jabatan Peguam Negara & KKLW building) at Himpunan Jutaan Belia in conjuction wit Hari Belia Negara 2012 23-27 May 2012.

1. @TuneTalk hot-air balloon ride with @jamawijaafar
2. @BNYouthMusic gigs & concert
3. Paintball challenge with @tunfaisal
4. Rewang with YB Dato' @razaliibrahim
5. Indie Nasyid showcase
5. 'Lawak Apa Cer' stand-up comedy
6. Universal Music M'sia Concert
7. @TuneTalk 'Meet & Greet' with artistes
8. Sales & promotion booths and more

Keep on following us on Twitter @BeeAntBlues #BeeAntBlues @BNYouthMusic @HariBelia2012 #HBN2012
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

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