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19 Oktober 2012

AES: Election or not, governing must go on By Blogger Another Brick

The uncertainty pertaining to the general election is making not only politicians and political observers restless, but in general, Malaysian from all walk of life too.

Public servants have to wait out the election to know who the next government and Minister will be before implementing their planned programs. New brooms have a tendency to tamper or change their plans.

The election is often used as excuse to postphone Minister's preferred program that they are reluctant to do.

These delays are not good for the public and economy. At times, programs beneficial for the public is delayed to await political developments. This got to stop.

Programs that help to reduce accident like the Automated Enforcement System (AES) should not be delayed. In the first place, process of governing should continue election or not till they end their office. The last the government should do is succumb to pressure purely on political reasons.

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