In the transcription translation VCD Fatwa Update Dr. Yusuf Al Qaradawi regarding Conspiracy II against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim I wondered a few questions that we may be able to partner with.

I do not intend / menyanggah Dr. Yusuf Al Qaradawi 's fatwa (for me it is not his personal views to the fatwa) because he compared me who are famous throughout the Islamic world as a great scholar. But I want to express concern that playing in my mind.
I have told one of my friends that the relationship with Dr. Yusuf Anwar has gone since the 80s and I do not want to associate intends his latest views from these aspects.

why not Dr. Yusuf Anwar points of view?
I really concerned if there are any part of this article that can damage my statement that Dr. Yusuf had already been distributed in the form of VCD. As a friend he would also not be able to receive claims Anwar Ibrahim praised as noble human and missionaries, in the end was a gay / homosexual.
Dr. Yusuf (for me) may be not aware or have forgotten ( probably because of age), that is 6 years imprisonment for offenses that DSAI sodomy. This time it is a little of different because the latest victim Mr Saiful Bukhari, more 'pink' and younger than another 'victims' of Anwar before being tried in court last ten years..
During 1998, many leaders and people can not accept these allegations as it is contrast with the frequent appearance of Anwar that always give talk about religious, disclose images and shows the intimate relationship with these groups. Thus they joined the party to support Anwar.
Decentralization when many supporters of Anwar trial court and then meet the street demonstration becomes 'daily food' population of the capital either as a participant or demo 'demo victims' to interfere with their daily lives. But now their numbers are few because many people among the pro-Anwar already tired and bored to see fraud by fraud made by him as blogger "Aspirasi Bangsa" comments click here
After examining a copy of VCD transcription by Dr. Yusuf Qaradawi above, I just want to trig some questions contained in the distributed content vcd:
1. Questions asked by journalists is: the charge defamation against brother Anwar Ibrahim as done by some people without evidence and witnesses. So what is the Islamic views about this?
My question: why they expressed word 'defamation''without evidence and witnesses' ? Is it included with the various evidence and witnesses, including narration by oath Saiful Bukhari? Who dare to accuse Anwar anda sworn in using Quran mosque witnessed by priests? click here to see a list of witnesses and evidence submitted in court.
Obviously that question on the form was filed with the responses obtained parallel to the purposes required by reporter.
2. In the vcd, Dr. Joseph explains Islamic maintain and protect people and safeguard the interests of religion, life, property and dignity and good name of a person or called Maqasid alkhamsah. At first glance we see the advance as Dr. Yusuf meanings that the good name of Muslims, including Anwar was maintained by religion.
Recently I wondered whether safeguard the good name of Islam for Anwar only? how the good name of Datuk Seri Najib and Datin Seri Rosmah who slandered many times with defamation about Altantunya purchase submarines, etc.? What Islam does not protect the good name slandered Saiful, who also hired by the BN to damage the name of Anwar as opposition leader?
Clearly between Saiful and Anwar, we know who still have a good name and who also have been tainted reputation as a mistake made by his own.
3. Comment Dr Yusuf Al Qaradawi that Islam encourage us to protect / cover the individual errors are exactly as mentioned by the Qur'an and Sunnah. But we must not forget that many things are uncovered and disseminated in the media is a shame the opposition Islamic party government / Umno. It is not only designed but is very clear defamation merely points.
In this case the opposition greater guilt for violating the opinion expressed by Dr. Yusuf about telling us to protect or close any fault of any individuals. Of course Anwar and PR should follow the religion by do not open the embarrassment in the civil religion party Umno. They must start by themselve before accuse Umno with this embarrassment ...
Do you believe they will stop defamation / create embarrassment of that? Of course not.
Do not forget the view that PAS had considered issuing fatwas by those fanatics that we can be contracted so that a person does not choose leaders who are not good.
4. In view of Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi also mentioned Surah An-Nur verse 19: "Those who would spread depravity among those who believe they are tormented for very painful in the world and the hereafter"
Very true that once a sentence pronounced by Dr. Yusuf Al Qaradawi but unfortunately Anwar did not feel the purpose mentioned by Dr Yusuf Al Qaradawi. Because of the fact that Anwar is spreading depravity and their own gang.
If your more in-depth survey, translated the above are not exactly as found in the commentary Ar-Rahman (popular translation used by the majority Muslim Malaysia) where it should sound like this:
I believe click on link to the original translation of the above that I find here Make comparisons and I have proved by this translation is parallel to the translation interpreted Ar-Rahman.
Another question is whether the opposition consists of people believe?
Allah knows but you certainly know how they stand regarding the issue of Allah's word sell to non-Muslims in order to get a little political support votes and defamation against the Umno party labels as secular, heathen, etc..
it so clear who finally would be a punishment which is the menfitnah at will spread to other Muslims in mass media / print / blog owned by them.
5. Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi also touched on questions 4 witnesses if you want to accuse someone of adultery, whether male or female. However, we failed to find the answer in the fact that Dr. Yusuf Al Qaradawi, whether the sodomy case also requires 4 witnesses. If so, can it be associated with the case that there is no witness Saiful (certainly difficult), and calculated whether the accused without evidence of Saiful Anwar and can be Sumitro?
While we know in Islam if a husband accuses his wife then he must make oath isti'azah to prove himself right. And followed by the oath of disclaimer should be made by his wife. This is described in the Qur'an
And those who accuse her adulteryhabit, but have no witnesses (to confirm that tuduhannya) only themselves, but testimony (valid in) justice for the accused person shall he swear by Allah four times that one of those is true.
And a fifth (should be): The curse of Allah be upon him, if he is of those who lie.
And to avoid punishment from the wife (to be companion) that he should swear by Allah four times that the husband (the accused) is truly one of those who lie
And a fifth (should be) that the wrath of Allah be upon her if one of those is true.
source: click here
Does this not apply / use in situations Saiful and Anwar?
In this case Saiful has sworn by the name of Allah is true and the prosecution to prove only that only Anwar Ibrahim failed to swear and still looking for fun reasons to avoid swear by Allah to deny accusations / allegations Saiful Bukhari.

Please refer to website Baheis (old name JAKIM) for more information at issue here
6. Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi also mentions the story of events, the wife of Allah's Messenger may Allah be pleased with her adultery with a person who slandered the Prophet Companions of righteousness and never do evil. The story is true, but it is not suitable compared to the case and sodomy Anwar Saiful Bukhari.
Because we already know personal human noble named 'A'ishah who Impossibledo evil. She is the wife of the Prophet and the son of his friend who digela As Siddiq (very true) It is impossible Mother of the Believers will make things that are strictly forbidden by God Almighty.
Similarly, we all know very personal Anwar Ibrahim is Not impossibledoing is shameful as it was known during his trial on sodomy case 'conspiracy' for the first time 10 years ago. Until convicted and imprisoned many forever.
What happened to the story of this sacred use to defend Anwar?
for my Dr. Yusuf Al Qaradawi is actually very wise to make a statement to explain to us that he did not believe in Anwar Ibrahim with the story above. It is laden with kiasah who fail to understand Anwar to manipulate bold statement Dr. Yusuf Al Qaradawi to close the case reflected shame.
7. Verse Surah An Nur verse 15 read by Dr. Yusuf Al Qaradawi:
Ie when you ask or tell falsehood with your tongues, and uttered with your mouths will be something that you do not have a valid knowledge about it and you think things are small, in case it is the sight of Allah is a mighty thing.
The question is: why a translation made by translation on the other?
because they write their own translation by adding the words that are not interpreted in the above (see the red colour):
when you celebrate with your tongues defamatory and you connect with your mouth speech, ie in a ceremony to ceremony you say something that you never knew, but you think that small things that connects these stories defamation,matter when in the presence of God is something serious great and something worse.
Another, is not this great sin should be chosen to Anwar Ibrahim because menfitnah DS Najib and his wife and other Umno leaders?
8. Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi also said in this opportunity, I advise my children Malaysians in general, men and women, so you do not easily invade the dignity of Muslims of other, more more more of the best known, respected, virtuous, noble, those missionaries and liberality of high character in the Islamic world, such as brothers Anwar Ibrahim and other other.
The question: whether you receive a compliment to Dr. Yusuf Anwar?
Right to Anwar popular? respected, noble character? noble, those missionaries and liberality of high character in the Islamic world?
in this case is Malaysians only know the answer. I also have the answer on video and pictures below.
Allah knows best
complete copy hour 3:43 am
complete translated at 9.36 pm
Thursday 2 Rabiul End 1431
( Nota : Terjemahan ini dibuat oleh rakan siber Panglima. Harap betulkan jika ada salah )

Anwar with Father Thomas Philips, President of the Council of Churches Malaysia (central) and Brother Augustine Arokiasamy in the Luther Center, Quezon City on January 10, 2010.
2 ulasan:
Sayang seribu kali sayang berapa banyak pendedahan yang dibuat oleh blogger2 tidak akan dapat memecah mental block pengikut setia Nuar Brahim.Mereka terlalu taksub dgn penampilan dan ketokohan Nuar hingga menidakkan kebenaran.
Syukurlah aku bukan termasuk dlm golongan sedemikian walaupun pernah terkhilaf akhirnya aku tersedar.Terimakasih kerana menunjukkan kebenaran walaupun pahit untuk ditelan.
syabas bro.. we are moving forward...
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