Ini baru ulama sebenar. Keturunan Ahli Bait Rasulullah saw yang wajar disanjung oleh umat. Berhati hati kerana ada dua jenis ulama iaitu ulama dunia dan ulama akhirat... Jika benar seorang itu ulama maka dia akan mewarisi akhlak nabi yang lemah lembut, sopan santun, beradab tinggi dan membawa rahmat serta menyatukan ummat. Bukan sebaliknya. Masih ramai lagi ulama keturunan Nabi saw yang masih ada di alam kita hari ini. Kena cari dan dekati...
Kenali beliau :
Sheikh Moulana Afeefuddin Al Gaylani. Moulana Afeefuddin is the 18th descendant of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Gaylani (may Allah be well pleased with him) who holds the title of Sultan Ul Auliya (King of Saints). Moulana Afeefuddin is also the 33rd direct descendant of Sayidina Rasulullah (PBUH).
Sheikh Moulana Afeefuddin Al Gaylani was born in Baghdad in 1972. Moulana specialized in Shari’ah (Islamic Law and Jurisprudence). Moulana has been certified as an Islamic Scholar by Al Sheikh Abdul Karim Al Mudarris - with the credentials of Al Ijazzah Al Elmiyah which is the most prestigious certification for an Islamic Scholar and teacher. He was the Imam and Khatib in several Mosques in Baghdad including the Mosque of Al Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Gaylani. He was also a frequent guest lecturer in Iraq and other countries. He is now a permanent resident in Malaysia and lives in Kuala Lumpur.
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